Sizing a battery system is really dependent on how much extra power your need. Based on usage conversations, your solar provider will work with you to make sure your home has ample battery backup for any circumstance life throws your way.

Key Points:

  1. A typical LG Chem battery has 10kWh of storage, which is a great choice for powering your household and home office.
  2. The battery will recharge every single day from your solar system.
  3. We suggest you only power portions of your home when sizing your battery system. In the event of an outage, only the most critical loads should be working off your battery system. (lights, fridge, outfits, garage door, etc.)

Choose Simply Solar

Why choose Simply Solar when there are so many commercial solar companies vying for your business?
  • Experience: With over 20 years in the industry, we have what it takes to build a solar system that will exceed your expectations.
  • Products and Partners: With industry-leading products, which we choose for their durability and outstanding performance, you can be sure that your solar panel system will last for many decades.
  • Expertise: Commercial solar companies hire out inexperienced contractors. Not Simply Solar! We handle the full site analysis, system engineering, permitting, installation, activation, monitoring, and maintenance of your solar system.
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