June 3, 2022

How Solar Saves You Money in the Summer!

The official start to summer may come at the end of June, but if you step outside for a moment, you’re likely to find that the heat and sunshine are already out in full force! May can go either way with rain or shine, and this year has definitely come down on the side of shine. So with summer all but at our doorstep, it’s time to prepare for the hottest months of the year. You would do well to plan ahead for grilling, chilling, and other fun outdoor activities, but you may want to spare a moment to consider your energy usage this summer. Energy bills are about to spike as high as the temperature, and you’d do well to support your summer budget with some solar-based energy savings. Let’s discuss how solar saves you money in the summer!

Solar Saves: AC Usage

First and foremost, we’ve got to talk about your AC. If you’re anything like me, you are going to want to be parked in front of a fan with the cool air flowing any time you’re not out enjoying the summer sun. Summer break means the whole family will be home under one roof, and that means a lot of warm bodies to cool off after a long day of fun in the sun. Think about it this way - who wants to come home from a long day at the beach only to find the house is hotter than an oven? You’re going to want to keep that AC cranked up all summer long, and that means high energy usage is in your future. Which would be fine if the price of electricity wasn’t spiking right now!

With previous and planned rate hikes, plus increased summer demand and global instability, this summer is set to be the perfect storm for energy costs. Your BBQ budget is in serious danger given the power prices coming down the pipe, but a solar system can save the day on this front. With a solar installation on your roof, not only are you soaking up all that heat that would otherwise raise the roof temperature wise, but you’re also generating clean, renewable energy as a result! You can power your AC as long as you want, without harming the environment or your wallet! Solar is the perfect pairing for a hardworking AC unit this summer, and the savings on a solar installation alone make it worth your while

Solar Saves: Battery Storage

Now, a solar system on its own is going to really make a difference in your summer savings, and for most people, that alone is a huge game changer. But if you want to take things to the next level, you’re going to want a battery storage system to go along with it. Think of it this way - most of the time, your energy usage is not going to exceed your energy generation. With a standalone solar system, that excess energy can be fed back into the grid and can even offset the cost of any energy you draw from the grid.

This is one of the benefits of Net Energy Metering, and it’s why solar is such an incredible opportunity for any customer who wants to save money and achieve energy independence. However, there will still likely be times, whether in cases of unusual energy usage or in the evenings, where a traditional solar system will need to draw power from the grid.

The solution to this need for energy throughout the day is of course a battery storage solution. Instead of sending excess power straight into the grid, you can have that energy fed directly into your own battery backup! Then, whenever your system needs extra help, like when the sun sets, you can simply draw power from your own batteries, instead of the grid! This protects you from peak prices, and as you will see, provides you security against grid failure. The most important thing is no watt of your production goes unused, and it all contributes towards the goal of saving you money. Energy storage allows you to truly level up your clean energy installation, and with a battery connected to your solar system, you’ll save big this summer!

Dealing with Blackouts!

Battery storage is a great way to protect yourself from high prices, but it’s also an incredible security measure you can take against power outages. As more and more people rely on the grid for energy during the summer, that increased strain frequently leads to blackouts. Whether intentional or due to accident or emergency, a power outage is always an inconvenience and often a real danger to those who rely on the grid for critical applications. Sure your BBQ supplies may spoil in the fridge if the power is out for a long period of time, but those who rely on electricity to access water or power medical devices can’t afford to go without indefinitely. Solar energy, bolstered by battery storage, is the solution to this important issue, and you can save more than just money by being prepared with a solar installation on your home.

Ultimately, we encourage people to make the switch to solar before the summer starts because of the incredible value provided by a summer solar installation. With the summer sun shining down in full force, you’ll be able to convert all that into clean energy, and in turn you’ll save yourself a pretty penny in the process. Solar saves you money in the summer, and if you’re one of the many California residents who rely on electricity for more than just appliances and electronics, solar can save the day. If you’re interested in taking on your own solar project, reach out to one of our expert solar consultants - they’ll be happy to help you achieve some incredible savings of your own this summer!

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Smart Power For Your Home

Solar energy generates tremendous benefits for you and the planet. We utilize the latest solar advancements that will not only help you save money, but will contribute to reducing your carbon footprint. Our goal is to make the solar process feel simple and easy, from the proposal to the installation and throughout the lifecycle of your system.
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Why choose Simply Solar when there are so many commercial solar companies vying for your business?
  • Experience: With over 20 years in the industry, we have what it takes to build a solar system that will exceed your expectations.
  • Products and Partners: With industry-leading products, which we choose for their durability and outstanding performance, you can be sure that your solar panel system will last for many decades.
  • Expertise: Commercial solar companies hire out inexperienced contractors. Not Simply Solar! We handle the full site analysis, system engineering, permitting, installation, activation, monitoring, and maintenance of your solar system.
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