September 6, 2024

Energy Arbitrage, NEM, and Green Energy Goals

Energy Arbitrage is crucial to making the most of NEM and meeting our state and federal green energy goals. Over the past few weeks and months, we have been discussing how energy arbitrage fits into the current state of Net Energy Metering, because making the most of your solar + storage investment is our top priority. The more we can help people understand the transformative value of solar, the more we can help contribute to the clean energy initiatives and green energy goals set by California and indeed America at large.

Today, we’re putting together a collection of some of our recent articles on the topic, to help people better understand the connection between energy arbitrage, NEM, and our shared green energy goals. Read on to learn more about how these systems work together, and be sure to share this guide with someone you think would benefit from the power of solar + storage!

Energy Arbitrage

In our article, 3 Tips for Using the Amazing NEM Loophole, we discuss the power of energy arbitrage, and show you how to leverage this overlooked element of the current NEM policy to substantially reduce your own energy spending. Energy Arbitrage is a powerful piece of the value of solar + storage, and it’s worth exploring how that works.

Net Energy Metering

In our article, How Solar Companies Help With Net Energy Metering, we continue the conversation around the NEM loophole and make the case for why it is so important to work with a trusted solar provider to navigate NEM and make the most of your solar + storage investment.

The Inflation Reduction Act

In our article, Reviewing the Importance of the Inflation Reduction Act, we return to perhaps the most important piece of environmental legislation ever passed and refresh ourselves on just why this bill was so impactful. The benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act to those looking to invest in clean, renewable energy are profound, and worth understanding.

Green Energy Goals

In our article, The Case for Green Energy Goals, we took time to consider what a green energy goal is and why having them is so beneficial. These kinds of clean energy initiatives are a roadmap for all to follow, and they are critical for us to have in place in order to guide personal and professional efforts towards a future of energy conservation.

For those who would like to continue this conversation, you can speak to one of our solar experts, or use our new modeling tool to see what solar would look like on your home!

Sustainable solar house with thumbnail of smartphone solar app and its offerings

Smart Power For Your Home

Solar energy generates tremendous benefits for you and the planet. We utilize the latest solar advancements that will not only help you save money, but will contribute to reducing your carbon footprint. Our goal is to make the solar process feel simple and easy, from the proposal to the installation and throughout the lifecycle of your system.
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Why choose Simply Solar when there are so many commercial solar companies vying for your business?
  • Experience: With over 20 years in the industry, we have what it takes to build a solar system that will exceed your expectations.
  • Products and Partners: With industry-leading products, which we choose for their durability and outstanding performance, you can be sure that your solar panel system will last for many decades.
  • Expertise: Commercial solar companies hire out inexperienced contractors. Not Simply Solar! We handle the full site analysis, system engineering, permitting, installation, activation, monitoring, and maintenance of your solar system.
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