Community Solar is a term we’ve used before to discuss a large communal solar system which is used to benefit a connected community, such as one installed on the roof of an apartment complex which provides power to the whole building. Such systems are an exciting opportunity for bringing the benefits of solar to those who traditionally have barriers to accessing it, but today we’re going to talk about the benefits of community solar in the sense of bringing solar into your community.
The reason for the distinction is important, and the discussion around it is an important part of understanding the true value and impact of solar. We typically focus on the personal benefits as it is a person who makes the choice to go solar, but just like an individual system contributes to the environmental wellbeing of everyone around it, it also supports the strength of the community it is located in. Let’s explore these three Community Solar benefits, and see just how much of a difference solar can make in a community like yours!
Now, every conversation about the benefits of solar should start at home, because you are the one who will make the investment. Luckily for you, an investment in solar + storage is one that is strongly supported by state and federal incentive programs, and it is one that also provides impressive and impactful returns. Thanks to legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, your solar + storage system will likely be eligible for support depending on what you decide to include, and the 30% tax credit is there to cover you in April, further reducing the cost of installation.
You’ll also be able to save on your monthly energy expenses, which given the many, many recent rate hikes, is likely not an insignificant expense. Plus, with battery storage as part of your solar system, you can take advantage of energy arbitrage and save even more! Community Solar starts with your decision to make the switch, and as you begin to enjoy the benefits of your investment, your community will also feel the love - let’s explore how!
Solar has always been about making a positive impact on the world around you, and with an investment in solar energy, you take the first step towards bringing that benefit into your community. Everyone in your neighborhood, friend group, or family can likely benefit from a solar installation, given the current cost of power and the instability of our aging grid. The ability to provide energy independence to the people around you, along with the substantial savings of solar, makes community solar a powerful opportunity indeed.
Just consider how you were impacted by the benefits of solar, and then imagine what it would be like to bring those benefits to your neighborhood! It certainly would foster a sense of community support and camaraderie if everyone was working together to help each other save - all the while taking strain off the grid and making things more stable for all. This is the strength of community solar - and it comes with a pretty sweet incentive opportunity for anyone who wants to take the initiative and spread the word!
For you and anyone else who wants to help bring solar into your community, we’ve got you covered with an incentive system designed to make sharing solar simple, painless, and rewarding! Our referral program rewards each solar installation completed based on your recommendation, and with your support, those recommended appointments often have an even higher success rate than usual. If you’ve installed solar with us in the past, or just are a fan of what we do and think you know someone who could benefit from solar, we’ll work with you to reach out to potential solar adopters and share information with them.
Our goal is to help you support the work of community solar by making this process easy and beneficial for all involved, so if you’re interested, be sure to schedule an appointment for yourself or reach out to learn about our solar info sessions - a great way to bring together a group of people to learn more about community solar!